Revolutionizing Open-Heart Surgeries: The Aselsan HLM

Designed by Eren Donertas, the Aselsan HLM is a Heart Lung Machine that enhances perfusionist performance during surgeries.

The Aselsan HLM, a heart lung machine designed by Eren Donertas, is a groundbreaking medical device that aims to reduce the cognitive and physical load on perfusionists during open-heart surgeries. Inspired by the high-stress environment of operating rooms, this design increases the success rate of postoperative recovery by decreasing blood hemolysis.

The Aselsan HLM stands out due to its unique properties. It allows perfusionists to easily customize configurations to meet the varying requirements of each surgery. The optimized arrangement of components connected to the device reduces the hemolysis of blood, enhancing the postoperative recovery process. The usability features of the device lighten the physical and cognitive load of perfusionists, enabling them to take timely and appropriate actions.

The device is made from chemical and UV resistant materials, making it easy to clean. Large parts are designed using steel for durability and virus resistance. The pump units have a plastic shell for easy portability. All mechanical parts in the pump unit are produced by CNC machining, and local sourcing of parts ensures sustainability.

The Aselsan HLM is designed for use in crowded operating theaters. Its compact dimensions (950 x 410 x 1200 mm) allow surgeons, nurses, and perfusionists to work comfortably and bring the device closer to the patient's bed. Perfusionists can configure all settings using the main screen and perform most actions using the pump unit's touch screen and knob.

The design process, which took place from July 2020 to July 2022 in Ankara, Turkey, involved extensive user research, literature reviews, expert interviews, surveys, in-depth interviews, and in-situ observations. The insights gained from this research were instrumental in shaping the final design. Overcoming the challenges of understanding the unique terminology and traditions of the user group, and empathizing with the unfamiliar environment of operating theaters, was a significant achievement of the design process.

The Aselsan HLM is a testament to the power of design in enhancing medical procedures. Its modular design allows users to create configurations tailored to each surgery, reducing blood hemolysis and increasing the success rate of postoperative healing. By providing clear information and bringing vital interactions closer to the users, the device reduces their physical and mental load, enhancing their performance during operations. This innovative design was recognized with the Golden A' Medical Devices and Medical Equipment Design Award in 2023.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Eren Dönertas
Image Credits: Eren Dönertas
Project Team Members: Eren Dönertas
Project Name: Aselsan Hlm
Project Client: Eren Dönertas

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Aselsan Hlm IMG #5

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